* 集辉地板诚招河南各地经销商

分类: 114建材网  » 招商加盟

信息类型: 招商加盟
有效期: 长期有效
公司名称: 集辉地板
联系人: 黄虎
联系地址: 郑州市郑汴路郑东建材
联系电话: 13014580034

         集辉地板(JH FLOOR) 一直致力于木地板的研究、开发,创造高贵、典雅的现代化品质生活,全新演绎品牌的国际化、科技化、唯美化。在地板行业一直保持着世界先进水平,吸取德国企业的先进管理技术经验,投巨资引进最新的生产设备及技术,并实施严格的生产管理,各项理化指标均达到国家标准。
    集辉 一直走在时代流行的前沿,拥有绿色环保、高品质的贵族血统,成为新贵族的领航人,诠释着独具匠心、浑然天成的地板艺术。
    JH Floor, aiming to create quality wooden flooring & tiles with elegant and luxurious style for modern life, has been working on the research and development on it to keep up with the international level. Being a German holding company, we have strict control in our management in production and we have fulfilled all the norms of the state, thanks to the German State-of-art management skill, and the updated yet expensive equipment and technology we introduced from Germany.
    We possess a large scale of sales net, a strict quality control system and a complete after-sales services, meanwhile we have an advanced German Statistic controlled production line, and machines like 2400T and 2800T hot compressor, 24 meter’s regulatory line, with the help of automatic speedy slitting saws, precision saw blades which is imported from the patentee Leiltz Group Company in Germany for cutting laminated planks, we are fully confident to supply you the high quality and environmental-friendly products and excellent services under the guidance of our company’s motto: Quality ranks top priority with honesty as the basic in business.
    JH Floor, with high quality and environmental-friendly products, plays a leading role in our time, turning the wooden flooring into natural arts in our home life
    我公司经营:仿实木地板 艺术生态地板 体育地板 零风险 不收取任何加盟费用



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